Saturday, February 18, 2012

Delete mkv file from windows

I had a mkv file that I wanted to delete. So I opened the explorater, go to the folder, right click on the file and Delete. But then I have the error (something like that) : you can't delete this file because another process is using it.

Well, but I'm sure no other process is using it !

How to delete mkv files ?

Well, I found this solution on Internet and it's easy. In fact, "explorer.exe" is using the mkv file.

Open a command prompt window (click here for more info).
Go to the folder where the mkv file is (keep the prompt open, we will use it later!). You can use the command "cd myVideos" for example. (click here for more info).

Open the Task Manager by pressing : ctrl + alt +  suppr. (other possibilities)
Choose "start task manager"
Open the "processes" tab
Select "explorer.exe" (be sure sure to select "explorer.exe" !!)
Click on "end process". Your icons and task bar will disapear, but that's ok. (don't close the task manager we will need it later).

Go to the prompt again and delete the file (del video.mkv).

Go to the task manager
Open the "application" tab
Click on "New Task...".
Enter "explorer.exe" (without double quotes!) and click "OK". Then your icons and task bar will appear !

And that's it

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